Environment Protection

Nowadays, in modern technologies times, to care about nature extorting us true environment experts engagement. Everybody is able to improve the health of biosphere but have to take a considerate and consciousness activity. Attempt of inappropriate protection may cause more heavy damage than amateurs would be able to expect….

For several years we offer the conscious environmental protection schemes against a background of planned investments and being realized projects. We can delimit the borders of safety and help to find out the alternative solutions to make sustainable development prevailing human activity, as integral part of biosphere.

Not to lag behind we put into practice the newest technologies of analysis and environmental monitoring. We accomplish a complex researches of biota and abiota. We create and update the detailed databases about ecological systems on the international level.

Scope of activity

* EIA - full Environmental Impact Assessment Reports

* Evaluations of impact range and level, environmental ready solutions

* Nature Conservation Schemes

* Conservation, manage and restoration of natural resources

* Landscape service activities
(urban green areas, highways, waterways, stagnant and flowing waters

* Species and habitats identification

* Collection and trapping for the animals for research purposes

* Ecophysiographic studies

* GIS, maps and cartographic materials

* Professional photographic documentation (enfvironment, investment process, visible and IR monitoring)

* Eco-Consulting and natural resources screening


* Wildlife photography (landscape, aerial, macro- and telephotography)

* Researches of plant and animal ecology, phytosociology, taxonomy and geography of flora and fauna all over the world



    Form of cooperation Duration
      3-6 months
    • Student / graduate in natural sciences (environmental protection, biology, geography, landscape architecture, forestry, e.t.c);

    • All candidates interested in recruitment process please send application form to: biuro@eco-analyse.eu
      Selected candidates will be invited for an interview